Muriel Hillion Toulcanon
Muriel’s residency focuses on the development of a dance syllabus for Maloya dance, which will involve identifying common movements and developing a well-organised teaching method.
Muriel’s residency focuses on the development of a dance syllabus for Maloya dance, which will involve identifying common movements and developing a well-organised teaching method.
Alongside the West Australian Quilters’ Association’s stitched and bound exhibition, local contemporary quilt artists will work in residence, challenging the concept of the ‘quilt’ medium.
André Lipscombe will be trialing experimental methods of painting over the course of his residency. André is a visual artist based in Perth, represented by Art Collective WA, whose practice focuses on a formalist approach to painting and drawing.
During her time in residence, Fiona Gavino will be creating an installation through random weaving outside Midland Junction Arts Centre in collaboration with members of the public and workshop participants as part of HOLD.
Fiona Gavino is a nationally recognised fibre artist and educator who applies basket making materials and techniques to create sculpture and installation. From 2012-2020 she was the Professional Development and Training Officer for ART ON THE MOVE.